Early morning keep defense in Midgard
One of those "wow, that's a lot of Hibs" shots from the last relic
raid where we got the power relics.
We call this picture "The Power of Stealth"
Fear... the DoT
Mindspin takes another Mid down with his bear.
BAoD power. Check out the pink DoT condition at the top. That
should be ticking for a lot. Then check out the actual damage of 18
at the bottom. Resists ... wow.
This is what we call "Shield Surprise" in RvR...
At least it's a surprise when it's hiding a little MoCing caster.
Lots and lots of rams
Oops, keep taken while you were logged?
One guess which siege crazy GoV member had this up in BG1?
What makes this even more impressive is that Kasparov (Akopian) brought it
with his caster!