Just in case the enemy wasn't sure where to attack...
Thanks to all the guilds who've run alliance events. Here's a shot
of the group who finished off Balor.
Flask turned out to be one of the most annoying artifact runs to get.
Not only is it a pain to get to with the repeated rush of high level mobs
but we also found out only the person who picks up the artifact gets
credit. Ugh, looks like we've got to try again. On the
up side, it's great XP for someone close to 50.
Land Shark!
Konolith sent in these two shots of a messaging error that happens from
time to time in the game. Notice the buffing messages in the top
pane aren't from Hibernia and one of the /say messages in the bottom isn't
as well.
The interesting thing about these enemy realm spell casting messages was
that Konolith wasn't even near the area where they were doing the actual
Okay, this is a cool artifact effect. I can't imagine how much
fun it would be to go out as a full group of aligators.
Someone sent in this shot showing an interesting bug with the gold cap.
Apparently you can't trade or sell gold beyond the 200 platinum mark.
However you can go out and XP and you will still collect any gold looted
to you which does bump you over 200 platinum. But at that point
you're stuck as you can't sell your drops until you get below 200
platinum. The shot below show what happens when you have over
200 platinum on you and you try to withdraw funds from your consignment
merchant. It gives you a bogus message about how much you're
withdrawing but actually does the opposite. If you had 200p 100g it
takes the overage of 100g and actually deposits it into your consignment
While XPing magical artifacts in EZ this cute little mob showed up on a
stroll. Our puller asked if she should pull...
This is Ohmz yelling "I said don't pull!"
Ponipuff sent in this shot of how he barely missed the snow storm this