Princes Perfect

Before starting we all made sure to read carefully the information in the guide below.  Well armed with new knowledge we headed off to get some High Lords and a few Princes.

After a successful guild event of High Lords some GoV got a spontaneous group together.  They were XPing and much to their surprise this group of non-50s made it all the way to the Hib prince.   "Take him" they thought?  Why not!   Here are the brave crew of Anaethema, Dunkhan, Tippman, Stealthman, Cottoncandy, Trian and Dakrulas just before battle.

They fought a valiant fight and Tiaz got in some amazing healing but it wasn't to be that day...

Incensed over the death of their friends another crew headed to the Mid Prince (yet again somewhat unplanned) and took some deep breaths before attacking.

This time, with slivers of life, they managed it.  Much merry making was had and this group got together with some of the folks from the first group to take out a second prince that day!

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