Taking Good Screen Shots

Taking Screen Shots
If you haven't taken screen shots while in-game they are very easy.  All you do it press the minus key (-) on your numeric keypad to take a shot. The resulting image will be stored in the root directory of your DAoC installation. They are named sshot001.jpg (or .tga) and then iterate as you take more screen shots.

Converting and Sending Files
If you're taking screen shots in Shrouded Isles they save as .JPG files.  For the classic Dark Age of Camelot images are saved as Targe files.  Targa files are BIG. Depending on your resolution they can be from 600K to 1.5Mb each. If you don't have a tool to view targa files download a trial of ACDSee here.

You can send images to here if you'd like to submit them for our Gallery pages.

Good Screen Shot Tips
First, while you're playing you need all your player information around you (chat, group, spells, styles, inventory, etc.) But for screen shots that information detracts from the picture. You can use Tab to turn off your player information (default)

Second, while player names and guilds are helpful to identify players, they can detract from the overall picture. In some cases names are definitely important.  When taking shots for the site consider if names are important. If they're not then turn them off with Crtl+N (default.)

Lastly, consider the angle of the shot and time of day. A good perspective and angle with the right lighting really can make an image stand out.

When you see something cool, take a shot and send it in so you can receive fame and recognition from your fellow GoV members. (You know you want that.)
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