
I could be a total Alb noob, but I couldn't believe we actually got a MUFFIN drop.  Unfortunately Remix wasn't there to butter it for us.

Allard sends in this picture with the following story:  "Most people have the odd misconception that the dragon is a big, ugly, mean old fellow, but I have photo-graphic proof that this rumor is unfounded! Big he may be, and ugly as sin, but I don't think he's really all that bad. he just needs someone to understand him and his needs. Because of that, I made it my quest to go and have a chat with the dragon. It was an interesting conversation, and this picture of me scratching his chin is my proof! =]"

We're glad to welcome Kelliy's alt into our apparently "small" guild.

Check out this disguise... read the text at the bottom.  Would you have been fooled?

It's got to suck when you die on your own grave.  Damn the mines.

New RA in the upcoming patch... Group fly.

It gets rough deep into DF.  Food was running low and someone tried to make a Kelliy Kabob.

Are these some of the new dyes we'll get with the next patch?  What tradeskill do you spec in for "Dayglow?"

Stag Party!

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