Trials of Atlantis Beginnings

With the Trials of Atlantis expansion, new armor and weapons were released.  Check out some of these cool items Hibernian members are wearing.

Felixou even has a LuteSaber!

Transmogrification was added to the game as well.  Here's Sleestak getting the Kalare's Neclace artifact as as statue.

Vortexor was one of the first to get the panther morphing ability.  He was down in Coruscating mines non-stop while he leveled his Dream Sphere.

RAWR, this is a bug the Valewalkers had that was fixed pretty quickly when they went into attack mode.

Just a bit later Vortexor got the "Group Kitty" ability.   Much merriment was had.

RvR was a blast.  Only it was hard to figure out who you were and if you were casting a spell or attacking or just standing there.

After what that tiger did to Sigfried's partner Roy, we had to make sure he was under control for future shows.  We're not trained in tiger handling but we did the best we could.

Portal djinn's were found in ToA to help you get around more quickly.

ML5 steps turn everyone into a mummy.


Not only are you a mummy, you're an Alb mummy!  You cast like one too so casters do the Albion casting motions as well.

Oo, better work on your Mau faction before visiting there again...

Help, I've fallen and I can't get up.  What a way to die.

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