Have you ever seen a Customer Service Representative? Nice Armor
Mazric really really dislikes Frijid -- check out the damage done to him
on the two hits below.
Creeping as a cat? What spell is THAT?
Competition never ends in GoV. Valantinus first stealth's his legs.
Raolinsbane's won't be outdone though. He stealth's everything but
his cloak, unf!
Now THIS is some stealth action. Raolinsbane learns the "Wireframe"
spell caught here by Profit.
Profit's everybody's buddy. He even XPs with the Trolls.
Say that name three times fast. Heck, say it once period.
Some folks have been playing Progress Quest,
Here you see Aglarang's character. Notice the special enemy item he
has in his loot. I don't want to even know how he picked it up.