Still Crazy after all these years...

The right way to secure a relic side door...

What happens when you don't listen to your raid leader...

If only the winners of loot roll's name changed to red! A strange bug I've seen lately on some ML raids...

A mentalist (Hotndots) catching a Sorc's ML9 pet after a battle..RAR!

Going down...a tower getting razed and falling...

Glad to see they fixed that multi realm flag bug! heh...


Shot of what you get with the new Realm RVR Missions (at level 50)

One night waiting for the Alb zerg to hit Nged (to open the power relic gates) Sunvolt, Ponipuff, and Proven laid 2 sets of DD Traps on top of each other and when the first 2-3 groups of the alb zerg hit had the following results...

Enemy brittle to stay crunchy in milk and worth XP and coin to boot!

Kermit the bard!

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