Humorous Images

Rojo sends in this shocking image from Howth.   It's titled "When Animals Attack."  Looks like we'd better give these horses a wide berth folks.

Some friends of Rheanae, Problum and Pharaoh send in this picture of their characters on Albion titled "Albion Atrocities."  They've asked that their identities obscured to protect the innocent.  (It's amazing what you can do with a well-timed bow/dance combo.)

Nolobat sends in this picture we've titled "I'm a Lizard Again!" for obvious reasons.

Cronus sends us a screen shot of him considering a Leprechaun.  Looks like he's not ready for this little guy yet!

This shot is from way back.  Gems is Pharaoh's original Mentalist character.  This was taken before we were all in GoV.  I think we were around level 11-14.  We titled this shot "Watch That Hand"  Oh my!

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