My Precious

Field of Storms. One of the changes recently implemented was that storms are now very visible.

And when you combine a green hib storm with a red alb get yellow!

Evil...couldn't resist taking a screenshot of this random mathematical occurrence.

This is my Bainshee fully buffed...check out the HITS! Even MORE EVIL!

Testing and scoring some Leet damage...or in this case 1337 :D

Typical Mid interrupts! Mez, disease, aoe dot, aoe root, stun...and of course banelord interrupts! I just want to sit in the back and free that such a bad thing?

This stack of shrooms is ready to one shot a stealther! Now if only I could group stealth those babies!

Darkness Rising weapons show up weird when shape shifted as a frog. Looks like a game of 'fetch' gone bad...

9-10 Alb Scouts on Beno1. Instant death for those wearing back is a bitch!

In June 2007 (I believe that's right) Hib turned Albion completely green.

Hibernia was in possession of all six relics again! (You Must Be Kidding!)

My precious...We had all six relics I think for a record week or so this time. In about a months time we have lost 2/3 of the relics...but it's the seesaw effect of the game that keeps the game interesting and fun!

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