Various Images   

Bet you didn't know Profit was talented enough to ride bareback while standing and playing the flute!

The GoV folks are close, but I didn't know they were THIS close.  Here you see, well, a bunch of the guild playing King of the Mountain on a rock.  Trust me, the rock's there... somewhere.  I think they all won.

Nolobat presides over his kingdom from... the well?

Xlarthen sends in a shot of the Sunday, December 9th battle group he helped coordinate for the raid.   Xlarthen says: "This is how I would love to see future raiding parties :) All nice and lined up - makes it easy for counting and to see who's missing members and such :)"

Problum sends us a picture of the GoV folks defending Drum Ligen with many other players beating back the Miguard invaders late night on December 1st.

Our very first image for our Gallery page was sent in by Problum.  Thanks to Problum for helping get some of the screen captures that we used to create the logo.  Look at these fierce warriors!

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