March 2003

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Congratulations Sournote!
Posted by Pharaoh@ 3:20 AM EDT

Congratulations to Sournote on reaching Legendary Grandmaster Alchemist. He's been working hard leveling and tonight he made the magic 1000. If you have any of the Alchemy drops Sournote can use some of them to level. Message him in game and see if you can catch up with him. He's generously offering the potions, stat buffers, etc. that are made from the drops free back to the person donating the dropped item(s). Also, I hear he's got some in stock he's handing out for free to any interested guild member. Thanks and congratulations Sournote!

Friday, March 21, 2003

Congratulations Jaryk!
Posted by Deathcountess@ 4:04 PM EDT

A big Congratulation goes to Jaryk on reaching level 50 with his Ranger last week! This is Jaryk's first level 50 and I'm sure he's very proud of it! /cheer Jaryk! Great work!

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Wow, Lots of Congratulations!
Posted by Pharaoh@ 1:44 PM EDT

GoV members have been busy lately. Please join me in congratulating the following people on these major accomplishments:

- Anaethema reached LGM Tailor, his second LGM crafter!

- Daysie made Realm Rank Six after some hardcore RvRing

- Ssstomp also made Realm Rank Six after spanking down many a Mid and Alb

- And Profit has reached Realm Rank Eight, Gilded Spear. Profit is the fifth Hibernian RR8 in the server.

Congratulations to everyone!

Monday, March 10, 2003

Congratulations Vortexor!
Posted by Pharaoh@ 4:29 PM EDT

Please join me in congratulating Vortexor on reaching Legendary Grandmaster Tailor. Vortexor made this rank in only 12 days, pretty impressive!

Friday, March 7, 2003

Hats off Killerbees!
Posted by Deathcountess@ 9:30 AM EST

Congratulations Killerbees on hitting level 50 yesterday! This is the very first level 50 of Killerbees so I anticipate a lot of fun coming up for the next weeks! Great work and then again, enjoy!

Thursday, March 6, 2003

Congratulation Amostat and Dethaamh
Posted by Deathcountess@ 1:52 PM EST

Congratulation to one of our new recruit on reaching the big level 50 with his second character, Amostat! Welcome to Guardians of Valor and many grats for this awesome achievement!

On the same note, Aenigma finally reached level 50 with his Enchanter, Dethaamh! Like if one was not enough, he also managed to get his druid Archangelica to level 50 in the same week! Wow, quite impressive! Congratulations to you two guys and enjoy!

Sunday, March 2, 2003

Congratulations Devante!
Posted by Pharaoh@ 9:41 PM EST

Please join me in congratulating Devante on reaching Legendary Grandmaster Armorcrafter. This is Botulism's second LGM crafter, no small feat. Congratulations Devante!

Saturday, March 1, 2003

Congratulations Dayze!
Posted by Pharaoh@ 11:22 PM EST

Congratulations Dayze on hitting 50 with her Warden. I have heard rumors that Wardens are, well, totally the coolest characters in the game. So help me in congratulating Dayze with her new, totall rad Level 50 Warden!


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