Guild Ranks
Guild Meetings
Guild Events
Officer Responsibility
Member Responsibility
Member Behavior
Rules of Conduct
Guild Donations
Crafter Funding
Multiple Characters
Power Leveling
Departing Members
New Ownership
Guardians of Valor supports the stated Rules of Conduct from Mythic. If at
any time it is apparent that a guild member is behaving outside the rules of
conduct their characters in Guardians of Valor can and will be removed.
Guardians of Valor understands that it is very difficult to prove a
character is cheating or behaving in a manner against the Rules of Conduct.
It is difficult for Mythic to prove this and as a guild we have neither the
time nor the resources to do a thorough examination of a guild member.
However, each player maintains a reputation in the game and if enough
evidence or questionable situations are presented, Guardians of Valor will
remove the characters and account in the best interests of the guild.
Any removal of a guild member's characters and accounts will be determined
by a majority vote of the guild officers and leaders.
Using radar or other game hacks
Cross realming
forums access to members from other realms to allow them realm tactical
Taking advantage of game exploits that are not yet fixed but have been
documented by Mythic to be grounds for account termination
Macroing (crafter, XP, etc.)