Guardians of Valor strives to be an upstanding member of the guild community both online and in-game. As such, members that behave in a manner contrary to the policies set out in the charter or are disruptive to the guild,
alliance or realm are subject to action from the guild officers.
Guardians of Valor will not censure people or limit free speech in /gu.
However it is expected that guild members treat each other with respect in
public and any personal issues they have with another member should be
handled privately through tells. Heated discussions and disagreements are
expected in /gu but personal attacks and slander crosses the line.
During an incident, available officers will start a /cg and invite the
parties involved so they can work out the problem outside of /gu. After
one to three incidents the parties involved will be given a reminder not
to bring personal attacks into /gu. After four or more incidents Guardians
of Valor will consider the removal of the characters and account in the
best interests of the guild.
Any removal of a guild member's characters and accounts will be determined
by a majority vote of the guild officers and leaders.